
Neil Thomas Wargaming: an Introduction Pt II. - Random Unit Selection

Both the Soviet and German army lists provide 5 mandatory units (not reproduced here), and allow selecting the remaining units from a choice of 15 German or 16 Soviet units in the army list; with mandated limits on proportions of tank types by year. 

Since I play mostly solo except when I’m by myself, rather than select units I will use the following process to randomize the non-prescribed units, while allowing some degree of influence. Of course it can also be used by non-solo players who like the concept. 

First, for scenario forces that have both units that start on table and units that are reinforcements during the game, I will allocate the 5 mandated units to either starting or reinforcement groups. Initial tanks are always Pz IV or T34. 

Then to make up the remaining units, I will draw cards. The deck will consist of 18 cards made up of one set of black cards Ace – King, and 3 red cards Ace, King & Queen, plus 2 jokers, with these values.

Card (s)
German ‘42
German ‘43
Soviet ‘42
Soviet ‘43

Black 2 – 7

Black 8
Heavy Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Heavy Weapons
Black 9
Black 10
Antitank gun
Antitank gun
Black Jack
Pz III / Pz IV   *
Black Queen
Pz III / Pz IV   *
Pz III / Pz IV   *
T34 / KV I   *
T34 / KV85   *
Black King
Pz V / Pz VI   s*
Black Ace
Assault gun
Assault gun
Assault gun
Assault gun
Red Ace
Assault gun
Assault gun
Assault gun
Assault gun
Red King
Armored infantry
Armored infantry
Tank riders
Tank riders
Red Queen
Discard & replace
Discard & replace
Tank riders
Tank riders
Jokers (summer/winter)
2 / 1
2 / 1
1 / 2
1 / 2

*Represents the type of which there are least currently selected (including mandated units) at the time the card is turned. If number currently selected is tied at 0, choice; if tied at 1 each, must try to maintain type restrictions. 

s* In July and August, 50/50; otherwise Pz VI. 

Jokers: If only allowed a maximum of one joker, the first one drawn is discarded and replaced. When a legal joker is drawn it is allocated as a unit placeholder to initial or reinforcement groups. After all non-joker cards allowed are drawn and allocated, pick up the remainder of the draw pile and select 3 units of choice. Lay them out, left to right, 1, 2, 3 (d3) or 1,2; 3,4; 5,6 (d6), then roll one die per joker selected and add those units. If a tie, the 2nd unit is choice of remaining 2 units not rolled. 

For each set of 3 or less units being selected, draw 4 cards at once; turn them over one at a time to determine what type that card represents; then keep the requisite number (up to 3) and discard the rest (not available that game). 

Soviet assault guns are mandated by year. For German assault guns 2 types are available in either year, so I will roll 50/50 and determine what type ALL selected assault guns will be for that game. 

For the surprise attack and escalating assault scenario, I might try allocating 2 out of each set of 4 cards to either initial or reinforcement group, and the other 1 to the other group, discarding 1 as usual. 

Later I will probably add Antitank guns for Soviets and Recon units for both sides. Meanwhile of course I should really be painting infantry instead of working on this kind of stuff. Ah well.


Norm said...

Good idea and easy to tweak..

I ran a randomiser for terrain placement in a campaign and was pleasantly surprised how well things turned out.

The Ferrymen said...

Thanks Norm.
Once I get going on a campaign, I will probably do a mix of Grant/Asquith scenarios and random terrain with these force selections.